How to fight ink stains on the sofa

Come combattere le macchie di inchiostro sul divano
The worst nightmare for every beautiful sofa is the appearance of stains : water, oil, ink and many other substances can accidentally end up on the sofa and cause sometimes irreparable damage. Ink stains are certainly among the most stubborn , in any case don't panic!

Below we explain how to intervene on a leather sofa finished with a light protective layer . Thanks to our advice you will be able to manage even terrible ink stains and your sofa will shine again!

The first thing to do is to check if the ink is still fresh or if it has already dried:

  • in the first case it is necessary to intervene immediately by dabbing the stain with a cloth or absorbent paper, proceeding from the outside towards the inside and avoiding either rubbing or pressing excessively so as not to further disperse the ink. In case of small stains or light marks, a valid alternative could be to use bread eraser.

  • If, however, the ink is already dry, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the extent of the stain: if it is light, you can intervene with a soft cloth soaked in a detergent solution (well-diluted soap and water) and dab the stain, even several times, and then rinse and dry the affected area carefully. However, if the stain has already penetrated, vinegar or alcohol is needed, diluted in water and poured onto a soft cloth: act on the stain by dabbing it lightly and leaving the solution to act for 10 minutes, then rinsing everything off and drying carefully.
In any case, it is always good practice to first test the products in a hidden area of ​​the sofa and check the effect : if the color and appearance of the leather remains unchanged, then you can proceed with the application on the entire area affected by the stain.

You will need time, attention and patience but by following these tips your sofa will shine again!

And if you have further doubts or requests, do not hesitate to contact us: with our experience and professionalism we will be happy to offer you further advice to help you!

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