Customer care


The following payment methods are available to pay for purchases on :


Payment is secure through PayPal, without commissions . Upon online order confirmation, you will come
redirected to the PayPal website for secure payment of the amount due, which will be
charged to the card associated with your account.

Payment method "Pay in 3 installments" with Paypal

Using Paypal as a payment method for purchasing products on is
" Pay in 3 installments " mode available. This is a zero-interest loan that can be activated via
your personal Paypal account
with associated bank account or credit card.

It provides the possibility of paying in three interest-free installments on purchases for starting amounts
from €30 up to a maximum of €2000.

For purchases within these amounts, upon confirmation of the online order on
you will be redirected to the Paypal website and among the available payment methods you will be able to
select the " Pay in 3 installments " method.

Credit card

You can pay online conveniently with your Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or American Express credit card.

If you choose to pay by credit card, you can enter your details during check-out
payment and complete the order.

We use advanced encryption to protect your personal and financial data, ensuring you have a safe and secure transaction.

Bank transfer with DEPOSIT & BALANCE formula

By bank transfer, upon order confirmation you will receive the bank details via email to make the bank transfer.
With this payment method, which can be used for any spending amount, you can perfect the
your purchase with the Down Payment and Balance formula which includes:

  • A 50% deposit upon confirmation of the order which is subsequently placed in
  • The balance of the remaining 50% at the end of production , before delivery

For further information you can contact us on 0573400910 or write to us at

Our customer service is available from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00