Sofable opens its new flagship store in Milan

Sofable apre a Milano il nuovo flagship store

If you follow us on stories (and if you don't you should fix it immediately!) perhaps you will have already understood it some time ago: Sofable will soon have a second home!


Obviously a Milan , the world home of design and furniture.

In fact, it will be in the Lombard capital, and precisely in viale Premuda, 19 . From June 6 on the occasion of the Fuorisalone 2022 , we will open our new shop..

This is the great news that we couldn't wait to give you and now that it's official we want to tell you a little more about this choice .

To do this we must start from afar, well before 2017 in which the Sofable company was born, with the aim of sell high quality handcrafted furniture online at factory prices , arriving as directly as possible in your homes.

An ambitious goal for sure, but time has proved us right and despite the difficulties (which have absolutely not been lacking), we can only be satisfied with where we have reached today , after just 5 years!

However, times change, technology advances, the market evolves. We are artisans but we are also careful observers of what surrounds us and now, especially after the last two years of the pandemic, we cannot ignore the direction in which our world is going: we are entering a new phase, technology offers more and more possibilities , augmented reality and the metaverse are now part of our lives.

And if it is true that those who do not evolve risk disappearing, Sofable certainly cannot afford to stop its growth at the most appropriate moment. A good entrepreneur must see things in perspective, grasp the direction they are going and think about the future.

And this is precisely what convinced us, even in such an uncertain historical period as the current one to push ourselves beyond the boundaries of our showroom, of our Pistoia, of our Tuscany .

On the other hand, Sofable's great commitment is to sell sofas bypassing the distribution chain , getting as close as possible to people : and besides online, what better way to do it than to physically arrive among you, starting from that very city that many of you have been clamoring for?

In reality it must be said that the project, or rather we have had the desire to open another physical store for some time , ever since we accompanied our father Nicola to make deliveries around Italy and, from North to South, we fantasized about the various Italian cities and possible new locations of the our family business.

In short, like all children we dreamed big since we were little and if the project didn't materialize with Mantellassi it is now finally a reality with our Sofable!

But why Milan?

First of all, why Milan it is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most important city (in Italy but not only) for everything related to furniture and design : lots of news for our sector, lots of companies, lots of movement.

Milan it is also the city from which many follow us, write to us and come to visit us: an already consolidated audience and many possibilities to open up to a completely new audience, both Italian and foreign.

Yes, this is another reason why we chose Milan : it is a cosmopolitan city, open to the world and to the most advanced and technological Europe , a great cultural center, an environment which by its very nature and lifestyle offers infinite possibilities for the growth of a business.

In short, after many evaluations, many family reflections and many "surveys" among our customers we no longer had any doubts: Milan is the ideal city to host the first Sofable store , which we hope will be followed by many others around Italy in the coming years.

There will certainly be those who do not share our choice, those who think that we will "distort ourselves": a risk that we have also thought about but which we are certain will not happen.

We will continue to be artisans , to grow our showroom in Pistoia, to work with our trusted collaborators.

But come on artisans attentive to the evolution of the sales system (and the world in general) we don't want to set limits for ourselves and we feel that the time has come to "take the big step": a new store, in a new city, will allow us to offer an even better service to our customers.

Those who cannot join us in Gello will soon be able to do so in Milan!

Our headquarters and our artisan workshop they remain at Pistoia because we can never betray our history and our tradition.

Simply, after having inherited the " know-how " of our grandparents, today we want propose it with a different and innovative contribution , both in terms of sales and customer relations, and we are sure that our new " Milan living room " will help us go in this direction.

The inauguration event, to which we have the pleasure of inviting many of you, is scheduled for June 9th at 6.00 pm

We are finalizing the last details and then we will be ready to open the doors of the new Sofable by Mantellassi showroom in Milan : it will not just be a shop but a real "island of comfort" in the heart of the center of Milan .

It will be the place where, in addition to showing you our sofas, we will literally immerse you in our world: we are designing this space so that everything inside speaks of us, of our artisanal philosophy and ours eco-sustainable approach . Just enter and look around: we guarantee you won't just see sofas!


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Sofable apre a Milano il nuovo flagship store

Sofable opens its new flagship store in Milan

If you follow us on stories (and if you don't you should fix it immediately!) perhaps you will have already understood it some time ago: Sofable will soon have a second home! Where? Obviously ...

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