
La prima poltrona letto Pappagalle è stata progettata negli anni ’70 dal famoso architetto toscano Tiziano Lera. Le sue forme ispirano comodità e relax, manifestando un’anima fortemente vintage.

Nell’attuale versione la struttura interna in metallo, assieme alle speciali gomme indeformabili che la compongono è stata completamente ripensata, attraverso una collaborazione con la Libera Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze, al fine di riportare le ultime tecnologie in termini di seduta al suo interno.

Caratterizzata da finiture pregiate, la poltrona Pappagalle può essere facilmente trasformata in un comodo letto per ogni tipo di situazione. Giovanile e alla moda, regalerà un tocco di particolarità e estroversione al tuo salotto.

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Dimensione: Larg. 83 cm x Prof. 106 cm x H. 39 cm


Materiale: Microfibra


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Sale price€1.596,00 Regular price€2.660,00
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Delivery in 6-8 settimane

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Pappagalle Sale priceFrom €1.596,00 Regular price€2.660,00



Poliuretano espanso a densità differenziate

Dimensioni poltrona letto chiusa

Larg. 83 cm - Prof. 106 cm - H. 70 cm

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At the source of true Made in Italy

We are made for those who love style, comfort and tradition
passed down over the years from father to son. We are made for whom
gets excited by the work of a master craftsman,
capable of creating timeless objects with just his hands
and some tools of the trade.


A product designed around your needs

We are made for those who love style, comfort and tradition
passed down over the years from father to son. We are made for whom
gets excited by the work of a master craftsman,
capable of creating timeless objects with just his hands
and some tools of the trade.


Years of experience but with a touch of innovation

We are made for those who love style, comfort and tradition
passed down over the years from father to son. We are made for whom
gets excited by the work of a master craftsman,
capable of creating timeless objects with just his hands
and some tools of the trade.


At the source of true Made in Italy

We are made for those who love style, comfort and tradition
passed down over the years from father to son. We are made for whom
gets excited by the work of a master craftsman,
capable of creating timeless objects with just his hands
and some tools of the trade.


A product designed around your needs

We are made for those who love style, comfort and tradition
passed down over the years from father to son. We are made for whom
gets excited by the work of a master craftsman,
capable of creating timeless objects with just his hands
and some tools of the trade.


Years of experience but with a touch of innovation

We are made for those who love style, comfort and tradition
passed down over the years from father to son. We are made for whom
gets excited by the work of a master craftsman,
capable of creating timeless objects with just his hands
and some tools of the trade.

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