Sofa renovation, when it's convenient and when it's not convenient

Rifacimento del divano, quando conviene e quando non conviene

I know, I know, we've all found ourselves (or will all find ourselves) at that moment in life. One day, you pass by the living room, as you do every day, and you see him there, suffering, he has a pale look, a dejected tone and now he doesn't even look at you anymore.

No I'm not talking about your partner, I'm talking about your old sofa .

You had bought it with great joy, you can still remember the feeling of placing it on the floor for the first time in your living room. You promised him lifelong loyalty.

But now it's there, torn, worn, the padding doesn't seem to know how to return to its initial shape after you got up and on the armrest there's still that annoying stain that you weren't able to get rid of, the one that Aunt Lina made, on New Year's Eve 6 years ago, dropping a whole plate of cotechino on your beloved sofa.

You understand that there is something to change, you have to bring it back to life. Then a doubt begins to grip your mind: " to reupholster or not to reupholster, this is the dilemma ".

Will it be worth taking it to be dressed? Or is it better to buy it new? With everything I paid for it!

It's easy to think that reupholstering a sofa is always cheaper than buying a new one, but this isn't always the case. So let's start with advice to understand whether your sofa deserves a second life or not.

Factor number one: the stem

If you have purchased a sofa with a solid wood or even metal frame, there is a very good chance that even after 20 years of honorable career, it is still in perfect condition, or perhaps just needs a quick overhaul.

In fact, in the process of renovating an old sofa, the first thing that must be done is to strip the sofa bare, then strip it of all the padding and coverings .

The frame is therefore the initial and fundamental structure for every sofa and is the first prerogative of an effective restoration. If you are not sure of the material the frame of your sofa is made of, you can check its solidity in a non-scientific but effective way: throw yourself on it without too much delicacy and listen to see if there are any creaks. Also test the stability of the armrests by applying force on them.

If you don't hear anything, we can assume that the stem is still intact.

Factor number two: padding

If your sofa padding is made of high quality HR polyurethane , after many years there is likely to be only a small dimple in the seat, which can be repaired by adding a new sheet of polyurethane.

If, however, the seat is made of conventional polyurethane , well, the entire seat will have to be completely replaced, increasing costs. For any parts in feather or mixed feather , these are generally replaced, to give the surface a new, soft and sustained touch.

The upholstery material you decide to use will have a major impact on the price of renovating your old sofa.

If you were to choose some fine nubuck leathers, the final price of the job could be up to three times higher than choosing an average cotton or microfibre fabric.

To conclude, we always return to the main topic: the quality of what you buy . As you have seen, if you buy a poor quality sofa, perhaps paying a lot of money for it, in the end you will have a short-lasting object and you will be forced to throw it away after a few years, creating a loss for you and the environment.

If, however, you consciously decide to purchase a high quality object , you can be sure that it will accompany you for life, and you will avoid creating useless rubbish.

If you need a quote for renovating your sofa you can contact us at . All you need is a couple of photos and the dimensions of the sofa, and we will quickly provide you with a quote for your new upholstery.

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